Since 2014, the Kazakh Society of Arrhythmologists has been actively working in our country, the main purpose of which is to reduce the incidence and risk of complications in patients with cardiac arrhythmias and to improve their quality of life and ability to work.
During this time, under the auspices of our Society, many conferences were held, master classes bringing together more than 500 doctors interested in the problems of treating arrhythmia. Themes of our conferences are the most diverse:
Basics of Clinical Electrocardiophysiology
Pacing in the treatment of bradyarrhythmias
Catheter treatments for tachyarrhythmias
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
Surgical methods for treating cardiac arrhythmias, electrode extraction, genetic aspects and conservative therapy, prosthetics or mitral valve repair and RF isolation of pulmonary veins in the open heart and many other topical issues of modern cardiology and arrhythmology.
On August 30, 2014, at a meeting of initiators-organizers with the aim of uniting arrhythmologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and expanding ties with arrhythmologists of the CIS countries and further cooperation, as well as with the aim of improving the quality of medical services, improving the arrhythmology service, raising the profile of arrhythmologists and maintaining primary health care for the population it was decided to establish the ROO "Kazakh Society of Arrhythmologists" of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the vote of the members of the meeting, Abdrakhmanov Ayan Suleymenovich was elected the first president.
PA "Kazakh Society of Arrhythmologists" was registered as a legal entity on December 22, 2014.
In 2018, at the next meeting of the Kazakh Society of Arrhythmologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Abdrakhmanov Ayan Suleymenovich was re-elected to the post of president of the association.